Week 13: Coastal Hazards In Greece
Coastal Hazards Greece is a major target of coastal erosion. The country lies home to over 15,000 kilometers of total coastline. As a country that features many different Islands, as well as having much of its border surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, Greece is at major risk to coastal hazards. Greece lies home to over 15,000 kilometers of coastline. A major issue facing Greece's coastline, is simply the fact that one-third of it is currently being lost due to erosion and rising sea levels. The major problem stems from specifically the erosion, but climate change and the rising sea levels are only speeding up the process of Greece losing its coast. Here is a before and after image from a Greek beach cal led Myrtos Beach, Kefalonia. As you can see, the entire sand beach is now covered due to rising sea levels and erosion. Although erosion is a naturally occurring event, climate change is accelerating that process in Greece, at an unsustainable pace. ...