
Showing posts from January, 2023

Week 1 Blog: Introduction to Greece

Greece      Greece is a small country in southeastern Europe, made up of the mainland as well as thousands of islands in the Mediterranean and Ionian Sea. The mainland of Greece lies at the tip of the Balkan peninsula and the country is often thought of to be very influential through history as well as a cradle of Western society.  The country lays claim to 227 inhabited islands and has a population of 10.64 million people. The main natural disaster that poses threat to the Greek citizens is flooding, specifically flash flooding. Greece is also susceptible to earthquakes as a fault-line crosses through the country causing a lot of seismic activity. A natural disaster is a natural happening events that cause damage or loss of life, such as earthquakes, floods, or tsunamis. A natural hazard is the threat of an event that if happens will likely have negative consequences. Catastrophes are events that cause major loss, damage, or destruction.